Class Information

This page provides an overview to each year group and there routines along with each half terms overview, further information regarding the Curriculum can be found in the Curriculum Section here.



The nursery teacher is Mrs McLeod, she is supported by Mrs Wells.

Starting school is a big step for children and their parents. At St. Raphael’s we work hard to ensure a happy and positive start to school life. A close partnership between home and school is especially important during your child’s first years. We want you to share in your child’s learning, celebrate their successes and share any concerns with us.

In the Nursery we plan exciting play based activities both inside and outside which encourage children to become independent and motivated learners.

We offer 15 hour and 30 hours childcare places for those who qualify. We also offer wraparound sessions. Click here for  Nursery Admissions or for further information or contact the school office.

Toileting policy 2023

Autumn 1 – Nursery – Half Term Overview

Autumn 2 – Half Term Overview – Nursery

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Nursery

Spring 2- Half Term Overview – Nursery



The Reception class teachers are Mrs Shields and Mrs Neale, they are supported by Mrs Melville-Terry.

In Reception we are part of the Early Years Foundation Stage alongside Nursery. We are committed to providing our children with the best start in their first years of schooling and will make judgments about the right mix of activities that are initiated by the child or led by the teacher. That balance may shift over the course of the reception year, in order to ensure that children’s skills and knowledge in language, reading, writing and number are developing well.

Please remember that Reception year is more than just learning to read and write, it is a fun social year and based around play and exploration, our main aim is for our children to become happy, confident and motivated learners!

Please can you make sure your child has their Reading book in their book bags every day.

Autumn 1 – Half Term Overview – Reception 

Autumn 2 – Half Term Overview – Reception

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Reception

Spring 2- Half Term Overview – Reception

Summer 1 – HTO – Reception 


Year 1

The Year 1 Teacher is Miss Taylor supported by Mrs Stevenson, we hope your child’s time in year 1 will be happy and productive.

We try to make the transition from the Foundation Stage to Year 1 as easy as possible. Initially the first autumn term is spent combining familiar activities and gradually introducing new activities to the children. If there are any concerns please do not hesitate to drop in and have a word.

The classroom is hopefully a bright, learning environment that celebrates the children’s hard work and achievements. There are areas of provision that the children have access to throughout the day. These include; a writing area, a maths area, creative area

Autumn 1 – Half term overview – Year 1

Autumn 2 – Half term overview – Year 1

Spring 1 – Half term overview – Year 1


Year 2

The year two class teacher is Mrs Murphy and Miss Unsworth is the Teaching Assistant. 

Welcome to Year 2! I am so excited as we start a new academic year and can’t wait to engage the children in the topics we have planned this term. May I thank you in advance for your hard work and support in their learning. Working together as a team can only strengthen your child’s success.

As you know, our door is always open; if you wish to discuss any information with me, please contact me to arrange a date.

Autumn 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 2

Autumn 2 – Half Term Overview – Year 2

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 2


Year 3

Miss Wilson is the Year 3 Teacher, she works with Mrs Stoddard and Mrs Rankin as her Teaching Assistants.

In our class we always care, we always share and we always learn together.

We hope that it is a happy place to be where we are good friends and good learners.

Mrs Lakner works with our children in preparation for their First Holy Communion.

Year 3 HTO Autumn 1 2023

Year 3 HTO Autumn 2 2023

Y3 Spring 1 HTO 2024


Year 4

Mrs Lee is the Year 4 Class Teacher, she is supported by Mrs Rankin. 

Welcome to year 4! In Year 4 we have a varied and creative curriculum full of experiments, enquiry and excitement.  This a key year for consolidating the learning that has already taken place in school. One of the key bits of learning this year is to learn ALL times tables and their inverse confidently and rapidly. I am looking forward to sharing this learning journey with your child, and to a happy and productive year.

Y4 HTO Autumn 1 2023

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 4

Y4 Summer 1 HTO 2024


Year 5

Miss Pollitt is the Year 5 Teacher with Mrs Stoddard as the class teaching assistant.

Welcome to Year 5! This is a fantastic year at St Raphael’s where we will always care, share and learn together. During the year, we will develop our knowledge across a range of subjects and topics, making exciting links across the curriculum. I am really pleased that I will be sharing this academic year with your child.

I welcome and value parental engagement throughout the school year, therefore, if you have any questions or wish to discuss any information, please contact me.

Autumn 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 5

Autumn 2 – Half Term Overview – Year 5

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 5

Spring 2 HTO 2024


Year 6

The Year 6 Teacher is Mr Matthews and Miss Gavin is the class TA.

Visit the BBC website for more information on support with end of Key Stage 2 revision click here.

Autumn 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 6

Autumn 2 – Half Term Overview – Year 6

Spring 1 – Half Term Overview – Year 6