Before & After School Provision – Magic Booking


Half Termly MagicBooking Letter NEW PARENTS

Half Termly MagicBooking Letter SU2 2024


Half Termly MagicBooking Letter SU1 2024

B&A Follow Up 24.04.24

Due to the growth of the provision and feedback from parents we have invested in a new online booking system called Magic Booking for Before & After School Provision bookings, our aim is to give you access to your account and children’s information while allowing you to book and pay online 24/7. Any profits generated by the provision are re-invested into the school for the benefit of the children.

Please see the information below regarding the service and setting up your account, if you require any support please see the user guides on the Magic Booking website or contact the School Office. New Terms & Conditions are attached due to the changes, you will be asked to confirm you have read and accept these as part of your account set-up.

Before and After School Clubs Agreement January 2024


Step 1 – Account Set-Up 

If you have set-up your user account, added your children and completed all required information you are ready to go!

If not and you want to book before and after school provision please create your account by going to the link:

Step 2 – Make Bookings  

Please see the attached information on how to make bookings including a link to YouTube to watch a short helpful video!

B and A Provision Magic Booking Launch Phase 2 Letter 07.03.24
Magic Booking – Making a Booking You Tube Video:
MagicBooking – Help Making a Booking
MagicBooking – Help Amending a Booking
MagicBooking – Troubleshooting 14.03.24

Magic Booking – Parent Site 

All bookings for Before and After School Provision for Summer Term 1 must be made online at the Magic Booking Website bookings will only be accepted via Magic Booking. You can only book provision if you have created a user account and added your children therefore please ensure your account is set-up, validated and ready for you to make bookings.