School Policies & Guidance

There are many policies in operation in our school environment at St Raphael’s. This list is not exhaustive but covers those which are most relevant to the school community. We will add to the policies and Guidance published as required.

Curriculum Policies can be found on the Curriculum Page here.

Teaching and Learning Policies can be found on this page.

Accessibility Plan

Anti-bullying Policy

Asthma Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy St Raphael’s

Charging & Remissions Policy

Child Protection Policy SRS

Complaints Procedure SRS

DFE Guidance for Parents on Cyber Bullying

DFE Guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children

Equality Policy and Accessibility Plan March 2024

Equality Report St Raphaels June 2024

Equal Opportunities Policy

E-Safety Policy St Raphael’s

EYFS Policy

St Raphael’s Health and Safety

Healthy Eating Policy St-Raphael’s Amended March 2023

Homework Policy

Induction Policy


Lunch Policy Amended March 2023

Managing Medicines in School Policy

School Meals Income & Debt Policy

St Raphael’s Administering Medicines Form 

Marking Policy

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy SRS

Mobile Phones In School

Lunch Policy 2021

Presentation Policy

PSHE Policy

 RE Policy

RSE Policy St Raphael’s

St Raphael Safeguarding Audit

SEND Policy St 2024

Spiritual and Moral Development Policy

St Raphael’s Catholic Primary School Food Policy

Target Setting Policy

Teaching & Learning Policy

Teaching Values Policy

Toileting Policy 2023

TMBC Appraisal Policy


St Raphael’s Policy for Unreasonable Complainants

St Raphael’s Volunteer Policy

Worship Policy

Whistleblowing Policy SRS